In India and other nearby countries, there are multiple lunar months. A tithi is one of 30 days in the lunar month that starts and ends with the new moon. The calendars linked here give the tithi for each solar day. It is done for specific locations, because the tithi for a given solar day is based on the sun-earth-moon angle at sunrise (and sunrise time is based on location). The calendar is designed for people paying attention to one aspect of swara (breath) yoga — how the naturally-open nostril at sunrise follows a pattern based on the tithi.

I am creating this page in order to share my work with others. I have created custom calendars for multiple locations, mostly in the Eastern United States. The following are some of the locations for which I’ve produced calendars:

Great Britain
  • 2018 Greenwich, England – Greenwich Observatory (W 0° 0′ 1.8″ N 51° 28′ 36.7″)
  • 2018 / 2019 New York City – Central Park (W 73° 58′ 8.7″ N 40° 46′ 46″)
  • 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023 Washington, D.C. – US Naval Observatory (W 77° 4′ 0.8″ N 38° 55′ 18″)

The layout is designed for the pages to be folded in half and stapled along the fold. It needs to be printed portrait orientation, double-sided, using “flip pages up” (or equivalent). You may want to use heaver stock for the cover, pages 1-2. The only color is on page 1 (the front and back of the calendar). The back has a Sri Yantra that will look much better in color.

Though not included here, I have created calendars that include the nakshatra — a 27 day lunar month based on where among the stars the moon appears. I have experimented with layout for an A4 page, and a non-booklet form. If you have an interest in a calendar for your location, send me a note via the contact page on this site.